Lollapalooza has been cancelled.
Die Perry Farrell! Die!
Lollapalooza has been cancelled.
Die Perry Farrell! Die!
Okay, so I was wrong about the hangover jokes. Instead, we decided to get back to action and drama, which is what this strip is all about. No, really, we originally wanted the strip to be the ongoing stories of Son Marlowekou, a brave monkey warrior who wanders the countryside battling evil in highly stylized fights with all sorts of insanely powerful villains, all with the help of his friend Paul Yuy and his giant fighting robot. But we kind of fell into a lazy rut with all the video game and bar jokes, so we scrapped the whole “kung-fu monkey” angle. Maybe someday we’ll get around to making that strip. That would rule.
Speaking of things that rule, singer/songwriter, local rock god, and FOMP (Friend O’ Monkey Project) Travis Kidd is performing tonight on the deck at Hooters (61st & Memorial). If you enjoy music and/or chicken wings, you owe it to yourself to come by. Also, Travis has a standing gig every Tuesday night at the Gray Snail Saloon (which is the inspiration for the Lazy Mallard, BTW), for those of you who prefer your rocking to come with walls and air conditioning.
Now you know…and knowing is half the battle.
Holy tap-dancing crap, people. 51 strips. I was prepared to be all impressed with the half-century milestone, then Goats had to go and hit 1,500 and piss all over my little notions of accomplishment. Bah.
Anyway, since I’m the sad, sappy sucker of the braintrust, I just want to thank everyone for sticking with us over the last 51 (plus some) installments of sweet monkey hilarity. Thanks to the forum, we know that someone other than us is reading this thing, which keeps us going when we’d rather be watching Dragon Ball Z. And trust me, DBZ has stymied our productivity before…
Also, most excellent super happy birthday wishes go out to our old friend Kid Infiniti. In addition, James’ birthday is this Sunday, so expect the Monday strip to contain plenty of hangover jokes.
Here’s to the breezes…
Woo-hoo! Yeah buddy! 50 strips! Woo! Yeah. Woo…
Now that the excitement’s died down, I’ll give you more exciting news. Lollapalooza in Dallas is now selling tickets! Also, the Austin City Limits Music Festival has announced their major acts! Both are going to be sweet. I’ve already ordered my tickets.
Late Strip… should be up tonight.
that is all
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