Can’t art and commerce just get along?
As you may imagine, we here at the Monkeyproject are always on the lookout for monkey-related whatsits that we can refer to back here. We do this because, after all, we are supposed to be a site dedicated to something to do with monkeys, and because it’s easier than actually coming up with real, original content. (Seriously, compiling a “Favorite Albums of 2003” list is hard.)
To that end, I recently found this bad boy while searching the World Wide Inter-Web for affordable, yet tastful, velvet Elvis paintings. It simply screamed to be mentioned here, in our little blog of blogging, since it combines three of the greatest things in the world: monkeys, poker, and velvet paintings. And so I have. Mentioned it, I mean. So, there you go. Enjoy.
My work here is done.
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