Blame the Super Bowl and poker, but we’ll have a new strip for you tomorrow. I promise. And it will be funny. Really funny. At least to me. And Brian. It’s gonna be awesome.
Wicked Awesome
Blame the Super Bowl and poker, but we’ll have a new strip for you tomorrow. I promise. And it will be funny. Really funny. At least to me. And Brian. It’s gonna be awesome.
Wicked Awesome
A Belated Birthday After looking back, I realized that the strip has been up and running for just over a year! How we missed this fantabulous day I don’t know. But none the less congrats to James in all of his Monkey Goodness.
Later, Jacks
Happy belated New Year and all that. 2005 has been a doozy for all of us here at the Project thus far, but I think we’re all starting to gain the upper hand on our various maladies. Which can only mean one thing: We’re running out of good reasons for not doing any new strips lately.
While we work to rectify this situation, please enjoy more adorable puppy goodness…
A monkey, a bouncer, and an arcade owner walk into a bar… At least, they will eventually. I just wanted to let you guys know that there WILL be a new strip, and it will be bar-tastic, but the hectic nature of the hectic holiday season is making it difficult to put idea to paper, much less idea to innerweb.
Stop me if you’ve heard this one…
Today’s strip will be posted on Tues, Wednes, er.. next Monday due to Computy-box problems. Thank you for your eternal patience, dear readers.
Gosh dang this infernal contraption…
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